These tools and resources are for research purposes only. This website does not condone any malicious use of these tools or the information listed. This website does not see, collect or store the information you search for within these tools. The searches are generated within your own browser and there is no tracking of data. This website will not be liable for any claim, damages or other liability. Some tools are inspired by the broader OSINT community.

Best viewed on Mozilla Firefox.


Jun 2024
OSINT News Feed: Get updates from over 25 publications which publish consistent OSINT news
May 2024
New Tool:Added TikTok Date Extractor tool to extract date and time from TikTok videos
Mar 2024
New Tool:Added LinkedIn Date Extractor tool to extract date and time from LinkedIn posts
New Tools:Added Alt-Tech social media tools to search for people #OSINT info across prominent alt-tech social media platforms including Gab, Minds and BitChute
Removed all instances of Search 0t Rocks / Illicit Services as the website is shut down
New Tool:Added Domain Search tool which searches over 15+ websites for information on domains
Feb 2024
Added:Nav bar/Tools Overview 🧭 & Instructions 📓 in Tools page
Added: PII Sites Search (US Only)-Neighbor Report; Username Permutator - additional variations; Social Media Search - Product Hunt
Launched Analyst Research Tools v.1.1

All content © 2024 Analyst Research Tools
Created by: Collin Tex
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